Chapter 4 : Divinity (4)

– Anaconda? No, that’s an Imugi. lol
– Who looks for these things in a permadeath game?
– I think I know what that is

The round orb, shining in five colors, was as beautiful as the mythical Yeouiju.
Viewers were right. If this was a reward for killing this… Imugi? It made sense why no one got it in 5 years.

This monster itself is a first appearance.
Raids in a deathmatch survival game?

“So, what is this used for?”

– The game’s developer, Easter Egg Company, puts these things in almost every game they make. But they’re always insanely difficult.
– First time hearing about that?
– Yeah, you also don’t know about MaWang’s stream lol. Basement dweller.
– Your mom’s the top customer at the sperm bank.
– Think you’re any different?
– I have WooSeok.

Me, a terrible gamer, knowing about something like this? There weren’t any games like this back home.

“So, how do you use this thing?”

I rolled it in my hand, even hit it. The buzzing stopped, and it became just a pretty bead. I asked the viewers, but as usual, too many cooks spoil the broth. They were off-topic.

– Make a wish.
– WooSeok, noona will grant all your wishes. Call me. xxx-xxxx-xxxx
– Wow, she really dropped her number. Called it. Some greasy voice was like “Is this WooSeok?” LOL
– Idiot LOL

I left them to their fun and asked about MaWang. I think I’d mentioned it before.

“What about that MaWang? Is she the legend of Dead5Left6?”

MaWang. I had a streamer in mind. Even before the gender ratios flipped, she was charismatic, ruling with godlike MP control. One of my gaming idols.

Her purely skill-based gameplay and utter domination were amazing. I could only watch, vicariously satisfied, but that catharsis was so addictive.

– Yup.
– She beat the zombie game without the vaccine. Fought till the end and survived alone.
– That was awesome. Total one-man army.
– The reward was a syringe, which displayed in the player’s account storage after the game ended. Everything was black except the syringe.
– I kept trying different routes for the rest, but I gave up. Didn’t think it was hidden here.

“Wow, this could be another huge Easter egg.”

– Legendary from game one.
– Yeah, lore nerds would go crazy.
– WooSeok, I fell for your face, your skills, now we’re one. When are we getting married?
– Why “one”?
– Fell + fell.
– Go die.

I was just chatting when the orb started vibrating again and floated out of my hand. It rose, shining in the sky, then vanished. With all that flashy production, and the pretty object, I was doubly dumbfounded.

– It ran off?
– Is a dragon coming?
– Heung… Two Dragons unnie..

He became she. As that dawned on us, an alert popped up.


“Can you see this? Is it just me? What is a Seed Storage?”

– We have no clue.
– We’re just here to backseat game in Yena’s room. No idea about this.
– All I want to know are WooSeok’s measurements.
– Should we ask MaWang?

“No. I’m not digging that deep.”

Survival isn’t my cup of tea, so I let it go. Someone would figure it out eventually. MaWang might even try it.

It wasn’t my stream, so I let Yena speak. She seemed bored waiting, freezing chat to type.

[Yena] – WooSeok, can we play now? This spectator mode is uncomfortable.

“Ah, sure. Sorry I spaced out.”

[Yena] – No worries, I just wanted to play together.

Chat unfroze, and it was a dumpster fire. But the viewers were ignoring Yena. Was barging in like this okay?

As expected, chat exploded. Honestly, it was hilarious seeing their reactions. How far had women’s rights fallen? No feminism here.

– Why are you trying to date on stream?
– I
– am
– lock
– ed
– Why are you changing the content? Want to die?
– Lock

Chat was a mess, but Yena, smiling, pushed me. “Go die.” No physical impact since I was a soul, but it was cute. I was about to comply when helicopter sounds approached, followed by the instructor’s voice.

“That’s the pager interaction.”

The gorilla-looking instructor was growing on me.

“Trainee! Climb the ladder!”

The helicopter hovered above the trees, lowering a ladder. The propeller drove off the wildlife. The sun blazed as it held position.

Hearing the commotion, and gunshots as people rushed over, I hurried up the ladder.

“Grab my hand!”

Like a true gorilla, he lifted me one-handed and the chopper ascended. Bullets still peppered it, but he ignored them.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes. Thank you for coming.”

“Of course! Protecting men is a woman’s duty! If you liked the game, call this number.”

He puffed his chest, handing me a paper. The pager’s number. A developer’s number?

How starved of men were they to hide stuff like this?

With the sunset as a backdrop, we flew, and the credits rolled. I’d been slightly averse to suicide, but this ending was a relief. The game’s trademark was about eating chicken after winning. Mine was different. Letters appeared as the helicopter flew, forming words that filled the sky, a display of obsessive persistence.


The game ended with that number and unsettling persistence. Chat was spammed with it earlier…

Wasn’t this abuse of power? A big company developer doing this? Yena said it was a famous game…

“What the….”

– LOL. Clipped that.
– Today’s insane.
– “Want to eat chicken with me?” LOL.
– A developer’s heart… I get it!

I watched the mocking chat as we returned to the lobby. Yena rushed over and instantly queued up for a match. I expected her to talk about the Easter egg, but no. Her viewers thought the same; chat was flooded with question marks.

“Huh? Already?”

“Your sniping has failed.”

– ?
– ?
– ?

She said to the viewers, serious, looking comical. Grandiose expressions, gesturing dramatically.

“Yeah, I’m only playing with WooSeok. You guys can suck your thumbs and watch.”

– Is today your last stream?
– Crazy around a guy huh?
– Honestly, I’d be a baby-making machine too around WooSeok LOL.

“Those who don’t donate have forfeited their ‘right’ to be my viewers.”

– WooSeok says no, so no means no.
– Rude in someone else’s stream.
– Wow, ashamed to be top donator. Unsubbed.

“Oh, my president! Just kidding! I live off your love!”

A man wiggling and being cutesy, but Yena seemed shameless. But noticing my gaze, she blushed, sitting primly.

– LOL.
– I didn’t give you love? Mine’s for WooSeok.
– A streamer who gets dissed while flirting with a guy? LOL
– I’d have jumped off a bridge LOL.

“Argh! I don’t know!”

Yena dove through the suddenly opened hatch, not waiting for the instructor.

“I should jump too, right?”

– Regretting it now.
– Yena’s an idiot. That’s why we watch.

I sighed and jumped. The wind, the falling sensation before deploying the parachute, it was exhilarating.

“So this is why people skydive!”

The wind cheered me on. My vision felt enhanced, showing the terrain, highlighting loot spots.

“Game two! Let’s go!!”

– Ugh. Me too!

“Who are you people?!”

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Brave Armadillo
Brave Armadillo
21 hours ago

A lot of sex changing going on. First the gorilla instructor, then Yena.

Also, add TL Note for Imugi (a giant serpent / protodragon. If it can obtain a ball of pure mana – a dragon ball – it can evolve up to true dragon).